Fatigue and Distraction are becoming major factors of road accidents in New Zealand
We want your help to get the message out that fatigue and distraction are an issue while driving.

93% of New Zealand’s freight transported by road, so with disruption looming in the transport industry, keeping your drivers safe at work is paramount.
We’ve got videos to share, along with key stats and tips on how to avoid tiredness and to stay alert. If you’re in an office we have posters you can download and put up around the office space.
Help us get the message out and keep your #eyesupnz!

Avoiding distraction

Programme your GPS before you leave. Pull over if you need to change or check it.

If you need to smoke, pull over and take a break.

Put your lippy on or brush your hair before you go.

Keep conversations to a minimum.

Keep all objects secure in your car so you don't need to reach for them.

Sort your music before you go.

Turn on Do Not Disturb on your phone while driving. Reply to texts when you stop.

Eat and drink before you drive.